- December 22, 2014In this day and age, the best documentary directors don’t lead with the issue, they focus on story and let the social relevance emerge from the narrative.
- September 7, 2014In a blunt ruling handed down on Thursday, a federal judge in New Orleans found that the biggest oil spill in US history, the 2010 Gulf of Mexico disaster, was caused by BP’s “willful misconduct” and “gross negligence."
- December 3, 2013A roundup of some of the stories we're reading this morning at Moyers & Company HQ...
- August 24, 2013BP responds to our post about its resistance to spend more on cleaning their oil spill -- and illustrates yet another revolving door in action.
- August 21, 2013After paying out $42.4 billion for the Gulf Coast disaster cleanup, the petroleum giant is fighting back.