A Second Look

A Second Look postcardThis series looks back and highlights some of Moyers’ most acclaimed shows from past seasons, including programs from CBS Reports, A Walk Through the 20th Century, God and Politics and Bill Moyers’ Journal. (1989)







  • May 7, 1989 | A Second Look
    Bill Moyers visits his hometown. Long-time residents describe the town as being "a Tom Sawyer sort of place" on one hand and a town formerly divided by racial segregation on the other.
  • May 14, 1989 | A Second Look
    Bill Moyers looks at the difficult but rewarding life of cowboys in northwestern Colorado.
  • May 14, 1989 | A Second Look
    Bill Moyers sits down with Mortimer Adler to discuss an array of topics, including: Aristotle, Marx, adult education and happiness and Adler's book, Aristotle for Everybody.
  • May 21, 1989 | A Second Look
    Bill Moyers explores how America’s largest Protestant denomination is locked in a fierce theological and political fight.
  • May 28, 1989 | A Second Look
    Bill Moyers speaks with Clark Clifford about his decades as a trusted adviser to the most powerful leaders in Washington.
  • June 11, 1989 | A Second Look
    Bill Moyers traces the childhoods and early careers of FDR and Hitler and illustrates the paths by which they rose to respective pinnacles of power.
  • June 18, 1989 | A Second Look
    Bill Moyers speaks with three families about how they slipped through the safety net due to the Reagan Administration's budget cutbacks.
  • July 16, 1989 | A Second Look
    Bill Moyers recalls outstanding moments with three different writers, Archibald MacLesish, Dame Rebecca West and George Steiner.
  • July 30, 1989 | A Second Look
    An unflinching account of the disintegration of family in the African-American community.
  • September 3, 1989 | A Second Look
    Bill Moyers examines the issues of immigration, economics and the special relationship that has developed between the U.S. and Mexico.