Stand By Your Ad

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The Issue: Campaign Reform

The Initiative: Stand By Your Ad is a campaign launched by that urges local TV stations refuse to accept and air untruthful or misleading political advertising.

Kathleen Hall Jamieson explains her campaign to get misleading third party (or super PAC) ads off the air.

Background: TV and radio stations are required to air political ads by candidates for federal office even if their content is blatantly deceptive. But that rule doesn’t apply to ads funded by super PACs and other organizations. Instead, broadcasters have the right to reject these so-called “third party” ads or insist on the accuracy of those they decide to air. Ohio stations did just that when a group called “Building a Better Ohio” offered Ohio TV stations a deceptive ad last October. (See the ad they rejected.)

To assist station managers and viewers,’s “Stand By Your Ad” page is flagging deceptive presidential ads in primary and caucus states, and identifying the stations airing them. To make it easier for viewers to send notes of encouragement or disapproval to station managers, the site provides the names of station managers, the e-mail addresses of stations and a sample letter that can be amended and sent directly from individuals to their local station.

Essential Links

If you're interested in demanding local television stations fact check their ads, visit the website.

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