Help Those Affected by Hurricane Sandy

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Hurricane Sandy and a People's Relief

Background: Although Hurricane Sandy made her way up the East Coast nearly two weeks ago, many are still dealing with the devastation the superstorm left behind. Journalist Naomi Klein talked with Bill this week and observed that “people are — the generosity is tremendous, the humanity is tremendous” — and although the response from people wanting to help has been truly inspirational, the situation on the ground in many neighborhoods is not back to normal. Storm victims still require supplies, foodstuff and other necessities. Their needs change moment to moment and social media, particularly Twitter and Facebook, have been vital in helping volunteers get people the assistance they need.

We’ve pulled together a number of community organizations and others working on the ground in New York and New Jersey. Please feel free to add others that you’ve come across and add to our list.

Take Action

- Occupy Sandy Recovery and Facebook updates

- Occupy Sandy's Wedding Registry
Updated list of items requested by Sandy victims and volunteers.

- People's Relief is a grassroots coalition bringing together volunteers and groups working to help those impacted by Hurricane Sandy.

- Charity Navigator's tips for giving in a time of crisis.


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