Morning Reads

Good morning! Here are some of the stories we’re reading as we try to warm up on a chilly morning in NYC…

Deal? –> Senate and House budget chairs Patty Murray and Paul Ryan announced a mini-bargain last night. At The Monkey Cage, Sarah Binder looks at whether or not it might change the dynamics in the Do-Nothingest Congress Ever. And at MoJo, Patrick Caldwell reports that conservatives are hopping mad about what’s being touted as a return to normalcy in the budgetary process.

Pope’d –> Time names Francis as its Man of the Year. At The New Yorker, John Cassidy says it obviously should have been Edward Snowden.

Whither the dream? –> Bloomberg poll finds that as inequality rises, a majority of Americans have lost faith in the “American Dream.”

“Unbearably stupid” –> That’s how Isaac Chotiner of TNR characterizes the “scandal” over Obama’s handshake with Raul Castro at Nelson Mandela’s funeral.

They’ll keep the 2nd and 10th Amendments –> At Slate, Dave Weigel and Emma Roller report on a stealthy conservative campaign to amend the Constitution and do away with the last century of progress once and for all.

Pinkwashing –> TAP’s Nancy Goldstein takes NBC to task for trying to appear gay-friendly in the lead-up to the Sochi Olympics.

Principles? –> Forbes’ Rick Ungar argues that people who embrace the “free market” while defending Wal-Mart’s taxpayer-subsidized poverty wages are rank hypocrites.

Fights to come –> At TPM, Dylan Scott looks at the next five battleground states in the campaign to expand Medicaid.

Legalize it –> In an effort to combat crime and addiction, Uruguay becomes the first country in the world to legalize and regulate marijuana for all adults. Malena Castaldi and Felipe Llambias report for Reuters.

Sound sleeper –> Passenger on a flight to Houston dozes off and when he wakes up he finds the plane empty, dark and locked up for the night.

What else is happening? Let us know!

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