If you’re looking for Morning Reads for April 15, 2014, you’ll want to go here instead. Due to a Facebook post snafu, you were directed here by mistake.

Here are some of the stories the Moyers & Company crew are reading this morning.
Racism can be expensive -> NY Times: Merrill Lynch, one of Wall Street’s biggest brokerage firms, settles racial bias suit with biggest payout in American history.
The other NRA -> AlterNet’s Steve Rosenfeld on the fast-food industry’s campaign to keep its workers poor.
Wall Street’s Enemy Number One -> At Salon, David Dayan has a must-read piece about Big Finance’s five-year war against a high-level whistle-blower.
Religious liberty ->The AP reports that the NYPD secretly designated entire mosques as “terrorist organizations,” and then snooped on them without probable cause.
No freedom without jobs -> At WaMo, Ed Kilgore reminds us that 60 years ago MLK led the March for Jobs and Freedom, and notes that we have a long way to go on the jobs part.
Day 50 -> MoJo’s Maggie Caldwell and Josh Harkinson with everything you need to know about California’s prison hunger strike, now entering its eighth week.
Still mad -> The AP reports that Iran is considering suing the U.S. for its involvement in the 1953 coup against Mohammed Mossadegh after new details came to light.
Secret deal -> The Nation’s Zoë Carpenter on the TPP, the mega-trade-deal that’s been negotiated behind closed doors.
Good news for Michigan -> Sam Baker at The Hill reports that Michigan’s Republican governor is close to expanding Medicaid via Obamacare. Yesterday, TPM’s Dylan Scott reported on one opponent’s dramatic but ultimately unsuccessful final stand.
War drums -> Northwestern political scientist Ian Hurd writes in the NY Times that bombing Syria would be illegal but we should do it anyway. (Last week we noted that ‘bombing Syria won’t end well but let’s do it anyway’ was becoming a common argument.)
Cool graphics -> Mother Jones puts a new twist on those Manhattan income inequality graphics, visualized in 3-D, that we wrote about last week.
Weird ideology -> On the lighter side, Grist’s Holly Richmond catches Glenn Beck threatening to fire any employee who buys an energy-efficient lightbulb.