“Concert for Newtown” PBS Special

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On Feb 10, 2013, two months after the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a concert was held in Newtown, Connecticut, to bring together the local community in song, spirit and common purpose. “Concert for Newtown” aired on WNET Thirteen on July 19, and will be rerun throughout the month on WNET, WLIW and NJTV. (check local listings). You can watch the concert below.

“Concert for Newtown” features performances by Peter Yarrow, Dar Williams, Bethany Yarrow & Rufus Cappadocia as well as Newtown’s own Flagpole Radio Café that includes Francine and David Wheeler, the parents of 6-year-old Ben, who died at Sandy Hook Elementary on Dec. 14, 2012. Musical performances are interwoven with interviews of Peter Yarrow and Francine Wheeler by Bill Moyers. The concert is a deeply moving, tearful yet also joyful event, filled with love and a powerful sense of the Newtown community’s commitment to fulfilling the Sandy Hook Promise – that is, to be remembered not as the place where tragedy occurred but as the place where transformational change began.

Watch the concert.

“I fully believe that this concert will touch the heart of America. It was a most remarkable night, one that shows who we can be when we act with courage and allow our hearts to be open to one another,” says Peter Yarrow, a former member of folk music trio Peter, Paul and Mary, and founder of the non-profit anti-bullying organization, Operation Respect.

Update: On Sunday, July 21, at 1:30 PM ET, you are invited to call in, free, and join a conversation about Sandy Hook Promise with Peter Yarrow, Francine Wheeler, who lost her son Ben, and Nicole Hockley, mother of 6-year-old Dylan who was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary. Find out how you can join them and others in the effort to bring about positive change on gun violence.
Call: 559-726-1200
Code: 776632

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