Conservative members of the House Budget Committee showed up at a recent hearing on poverty to preach what they think they already know about people living in poverty.
As Detroit draws international criticism for shutting off water for low-income families, activists ask why people are being forced to pay while the Wall Street banks live large.
The Immigration Act of 1907 declared that unaccompanied children under 16 were not permitted to enter America in the normal fashion. But it didn’t send them packing, either.
In order to better the economic circumstances of their constituency, Democrats should do something they have consistently avoided: taking a side in a class war.
The author of Dog Whistle Politics argues that naturalistic assumptions about race mislead liberals in their effort to fathom race’s astringent power, shifting the focus from social dynamics to inherited essences.
Before the rise of the religious right in the late 1970s, Southern Baptists believed that "religious liberty, human equality and justice" were advanced by Roe v. Wade.