We asked some of Moyers & Company’s recent guests for their instant reactions to the re-election of Barack Obama. They came back with unique and succinct responses that covered everything from Afghanistan and climate change to the “fiscal cliff” and Obamacare.
Wendell Potter | Senior Fellow, Center for Media and Democracy
Beyond Obamacare
"The president and congressional leaders will have to anticipate the special interests’ coming PR and lobbying campaigns and be ready with effective campaigns of their own to ensure that reform goes forward, not backward."
Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson | Authors of Winner-Take-All Politics
Breaking the Partisan Gridlock
"Over the last generation, a leading storyline of American politics has been “asymmetric polarization” -- with Democrats moving modestly left while Republicans gallop right."
George Goehl | Executive Director, National People’s Action
The Path Forward Starts with Learning from the Past
"We had high hopes for President Obama’s first term. Our expectations should remain high this time around."
Bill McKibben | Environmentalist
Gutcheck Time on Climate Change
"Now we'll find out if [Obama] actually gets the crisis that climate change has become. "
Andrew Bacevich | Professor, Boston University
American Statecraft and Military Spending
"Foreign policy barely figured as a factor in the presidential campaign. So although President Obama’s victory renews his mandate to govern, it signifies little in terms specifying an azimuth for American statecraft."
Ai-jen Poo | National Domestic Workers Alliance
Yes, WE Can!
"The president of the United States was re-elected by a diverse and representative cross-section of Americans."