- July 27, 2014The Republican from Wisconsin has borrowed some populist rhetoric to go with his “kinder, gentler” talk about poverty. But his populism is not the real thing.
- July 27, 2014The “self-made” man or woman, the symbol of American meritocracy, is disappearing. Six of today’s 10 wealthiest Americans are heirs to prominent fortunes.
- July 26, 2014A diverse set of activists and experts who understand poverty firsthand respond to Paul Ryan's new proposal to address poverty.
- July 26, 2014It's a moral imperative that we get past the sanitized versions of the two Iraq wars and grapple with the true consequences of our militarism.
- July 24, 2014When I was 16 years old, I got my first job working the grill at McDonald’s. It punctured my bubble of economic privilege.
- July 23, 2014A new study suggests that there is and the finding justifies a maximum wage.
- July 20, 2014Children all over the country are participating in a unique day-camp program called 'The Game of Village' and learning how to be real and effective citizens.
- July 19, 2014Conservative members of the House Budget Committee showed up at a recent hearing on poverty to preach what they think they already know about people living in poverty.
- July 18, 2014In order to better the economic circumstances of their constituency, Democrats should do something they have consistently avoided: taking a side in a class war.
- July 18, 2014The author of Dog Whistle Politics argues that naturalistic assumptions about race mislead liberals in their effort to fathom race’s astringent power, shifting the focus from social dynamics to inherited essences.