Moyers Moments
“Moyers Moments” are short, curated video clips from both classic and new Moyers broadcasts that are so memorable and meaningful that they deserved to be called out, enjoyed, and easily shared.
- April 3, 2012The former Citigroup chairman says he'd bring Glass-Steagall back from the grave.
- March 28, 2012Dr. Margaret Flowers believes so strongly in the need for a single-payer health care plan that she's been arrested several times fighting for it.
- March 28, 2012Inspirational words from the famous historian and activist who believed in the power of the people to effect change.
- March 22, 2012 | Updated August 6, 2015In this clip, the host of The Daily Show talks about his struggle to remain empathic and upbeat in a world of concurrent tragedies, and the importance of delivering news with context.
- March 22, 2012Elaine Pagels shares perceived roles of sexuality in classic Bible stories.
- February 13, 2012Bill Moyers and Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Rita Dove take turns reading "The Hill."
- June 23, 2006In this 2006 Moyers Moment, the atheist and author talks about the need to "broaden what we can understand and say, and therefore be."
- June 21, 1988What can mythology tell us about contemporary life? Much, says Campbell, who answers the question in this Moyers Moment from 1988's Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth.
- June 21, 1988In this Moyers Moment, Joseph Campbell talks about real-life heroes, from soldiers to contemporary mothers.