Moyers Moments
“Moyers Moments” are short, curated video clips from both classic and new Moyers broadcasts that are so memorable and meaningful that they deserved to be called out, enjoyed, and easily shared.
- May 24, 2012Archbishop Desmond Tutu says there's catharsis in recounting the horrors of the past.
- May 15, 2012In this Moyers Moment, Paul Volcker responds to Jamie Dimon's assertion that the Volcker Rule will interfere with market-making.
- May 9, 2012 | Updated June 26, 2013Two premier lawyers -- one conservative and one liberal -- explain why they joined forces to fight for same-sex marriage rights in California's Prop 8 case.
- May 4, 2012In this poem, the author describes the haunting memory of his father, who was killed in a mysterious car crash on his way back from Mexico.
- April 25, 2012The millennial advocate denounces the price students are being forced to pay government and the banks "for the privilege of having a middle class life."
- April 19, 2012Bill Moyers asks Eric Alterman to rank President Obama as a liberal.
- April 19, 2012 | Updated December 10, 2013On International Human Rights Day, we're remembering Elie Wiesel's thoughts on our capacity for both good and evil.
- April 13, 2012The author tells the story of "neo-slaves" who made the bricks that pave the streets of downtown Atlanta to this day.
- April 13, 2012 | Updated May 14, 2018The "father of black liberation theology" says we need to talk about lynching.
- April 13, 2012The author says mass incarceration is locking African American men in an inferior second-class status for life.