Moyers Moments
“Moyers Moments” are short, curated video clips from both classic and new Moyers broadcasts that are so memorable and meaningful that they deserved to be called out, enjoyed, and easily shared.
- March 29, 2013The bestselling author tells Bill how our legal system deals out justice unevenly, with terrible consequences and cost.
- March 1, 2013In this 2004 Moyers Moment, author Richard Dawkins argues that evolution "is about as certain as anything we know."
- March 1, 2013The novelist talks about his inner conflicts when it comes to his own agnosticism.
- March 1, 2013Collected thoughts from Martin Amis, Margaret Atwood, Richard Dawkins and Salman Rushdie on religious identity.
- February 8, 2013In a 2009 Moyers Moment, the filmmaker describes coping with how the Vietnam War desensitized him to killing.
- January 30, 2013In a 2007 Moyers Moment, Bruce Fein and John Nichols discuss examples of presidential overreach, and its serious consequences for the nation and American democracy.
- January 22, 2013In this Moyers Moment from 2012, the social psychologist describes the general moral leanings of liberals and conservatives.
- January 15, 2013In this 2010 Moyers Moment, two civil rights experts imagine what Martin Luther King, Jr. would think of the current state of American poverty and justice.
- January 4, 2013In this 1991 Moyers Moment from Spirit & Nature, the spiritual leader and teacher talks about our shared responsibility to this planet.
- December 21, 2012In this video clip, actor Sam Waterston, Bill Moyers and Lincoln expert Harold Holzer discuss Waterston's preparations to play the role of Lincoln.