- September 11, 2009Discussing public health with Partners in Health co-founder and Dartmouth College president Dr. Jim Yong Kim.
- September 4, 2009Bill and two legal experts look ahead to the Supreme Court decision on campaign finance limits for corporations.
- July 17, 2009The author talks with Bill about the role of God in society.
- July 10, 2009A health insurance industry insider explains how insurers are putting profits before patients, and killing needed reforms.
- July 10, 2009Bill ponders a proposed Washington Post meet-and-greet for lobbyists and journalists.
- July 3, 2009Bill talks to Cornel West, Serene Jones, and Gary Dorrien about the crossroads of ethics, capitalism, and democracy.
- June 26, 2009Bill talks with celebrated poet and recent Pulitzer Prize recipient M.S. Merwin.
- June 12, 2009Why can we talk about gun violence but not about gun control?
- June 12, 2009Robert Reich talks with Bill about the powerful influence of lobbyists on our vulnerable democracy
- June 12, 2009On the 200th anniversary of Thomas Paine's death, Bill sits down with two historians to assess Paine's life and impact.