ALL POSTS BY Ian Haney López
- July 18, 2014The author of Dog Whistle Politics argues that naturalistic assumptions about race mislead liberals in their effort to fathom race’s astringent power, shifting the focus from social dynamics to inherited essences.
- May 1, 2014The Constitution’s meaning changes with the Supreme Court's personnel and sometimes a single appointment can make all the difference.
- April 30, 2014Why Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who recently lamented that today’s “Negro” has not learned to pick cotton, is both a racist crackpot and an avatar of modern conservatism.
- April 11, 2014Rand Paul's blinkered vision will make it almost impossible for him to grapple with how racial resentment fuels support for the libertarian politics he fervently espouses.
- March 27, 2014Arguing about whether Paul Ryan is a racist is a very good thing.
- March 24, 2014The conservative assault on food stamps -- authored by Reagan, updated by Ryan -- is really an attack on the middle class.
- March 16, 2014He insists not, and legal scholar Ian Haney López says he hopes Ryan has learned his lesson.
- March 7, 2014In this book excerpt, Ian Haney López explains why -- for conservatives -- alleging that they've been called racist is a good strategy.
- March 5, 2014“Obamacare.” The right loves to hammer the Affordable Care Act with this nickname, and even the rest of us tend to use it. But we should not, for it works at least partly as a racial provocation.