Replay the Live Chat With Bill Moyers

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After hitting 500,000 likes on Facebook, Bill wanted to do another live chat to answer your questions and discuss the ways in which we can make our democracy better.

Hundreds of you joined us on Thursday, October 23, for an hour-long live chat. Bill is sorry that he couldn’t get to all the questions. Thanks so much for your interest.

Tip: The conversation plays out in real time, so you have to start at the bottom and scroll up.

  Live Chat: Bill Moyers (10/23/2014) 
Moyers & Company: 

Have a good day, everyone.

Thursday October 23, 2014 2:02 Moyers & Company
Moyers & Company: 

As some of you may know, the reason Bill wanted to do this chat is because we reached over 500,000 friends on Facebook, and he was very happy to see so many engaged, thoughtful viewers gathering there and on to talk about the critical issues of our day. Thanks to all of you for joining us today.

Thursday October 23, 2014 2:00 Moyers & Company
Moyers & Company: 

Thanks Bill.

Thursday October 23, 2014 2:00 Moyers & Company
Bill Moyers: 

Bill Moyers

Thursday October 23, 2014 2:00 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

And apologies for those whose questions I didn’t get to.

Thursday October 23, 2014 2:00 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

My best wishes to all of you.

Thursday October 23, 2014 2:00 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

We are continuing because our team of talented journalists has won your respect and interest. There’s where you will find other kindred spirits who will be part of that “Network” of reformers, activists and advocates, writers and journalists who are committed to making democracy work in the public interest.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:59 Bill Moyers
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 

Bill, I hit the enter button before I’m finished. Now my question—There are many groups and NGO’s struggling for a true democracy but they seem too diverse. Do you think it’s possible to get them all together and pushing in the same direction at once? If so, how?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:57 Guest
[Comment From Candice VivinoCandice Vivino: ] 

After you “retire” will you keep a presence on the internet?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:56 Candice Vivino
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 

Dear Biil, Before you retire, please consider some effort towards building a Network of Reformers & Activists for the Society at Large. I think this is the only way corruption, injustice and inequality can be dealt effectively. This the only way to be intelligently, navigating like a swarm of bees, fish or birds.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:56 Guest
Bill Moyers: 

Meanwhile, a last word to everyone (and it goes back to the first question): The greatest challenge we face in America toda is to stop the buying and selling of our poltiicians and political process by corporations and the rich. You may have seen the story earlier this week: For the first time ever the Vatican rented out the Sistine Chapel to a corporation — Porsche — for guests who paid $8,000 a head to attend a concert there. For the first time a corporate donor determined who could be invited to that sacred place. That’s what has happened to democracy. Either we reverse Citizens United and insist democracy is about equal representation, or we might as well close up shop.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:56 Bill Moyers
[Comment From William CondeWilliam Conde: ] 

Thank you Bill for your great contribution to our enlightenment.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:51 William Conde
Bill Moyers: 

There are so many I couldn’t begin to single them out. For all the woes of newspapers and all the shallowness of television, there is world-class journalism happening today in every medium. “Search and ye shall find” those who move, inform, and inspire you. We’re experiencing a surge of long-form journalism in books, and I’ll post some of my favorites at before my last broadcast on January 2.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:51 Bill Moyers
[Comment From Alison on FacebookAlison on Facebook: ] 

Thank you! As the next generation of journalists get their chops, who would you suggest we listen to or read?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:49 Alison on Facebook
Bill Moyers: 

My wife Judith who is also my partner calls what we do “a campfire” and I am always conscious that around it are people who for a brief spell experience a sense of that invisible community which forms out there across the country. As for yourniece, Dawn, tell her to seek out an organization that thrives on meetings, forums, connecting with others; study others good at this craft (Diane Rehm, Terry Gross, Charlie Rose, Brian Lehrer, and those locals I don’t know but would respect if I heard them–people who do what they do so that they can share instead of hoard it). And keep looking. As Shakespeare said, “Merit doth much, but Fortune more.” I was a very lucky fellow years ago — and still am.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:48 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

Thank you, Sharron, for your generous words. I’ve done what I’ve done all these years because I knew there are people like you, and that knowledge has kept me going.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:45 Bill Moyers
[Comment From DawnDawn: ] 

I just gave my niece a copy of your book in which many of your interviews had been copied (starting with Chinua Achebe). I told her that I hoped she would become the next Bill Moyers! She is a leadership/rhetoric major recently graduated from the University of Richmond. Keep up the good work! Any advice for my niece?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:43 Dawn
[Comment From Sharon RaumSharon Raum: ] 

Thank you, Bill, for all the years you have enriched our lives. I started watching you in the 1980’s, saw every program and all your specials. You enriched my life with knowledge on so many issues, including poetry. I will continue watching online. You have given so much.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:42 Sharon Raum
Bill Moyers: 

4l years and cannot remember a single guest who complained he or she was misrepresented, even when I am disagreeing.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:42 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

or focused study. I read widely, keep notes, clip articles, and then from a thorough briefing book prepared by that team I mentioned, I try to outline what interests me and what might interest you (the viewer). That road map helps even when spontaneity seizes either the guest or me. We usually converse for an hour and what you see on the screen is our best effort to do justice to what the guest truly wanted to say. I’ve been at this for

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:41 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

Thanks. For me the key is editing. Anyone can go on at length in a conversation, but bringing a long conversation down to its essence without the guest feeling exploited requires a team of people devoted to that purpose, and I have that kind of team: researchers, producers, editors, colleagues. It also takes sustained preparation — either from life experiences

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:39 Bill Moyers
[Comment From LesleyLesley: ] 

You are one of the best, if not the best, interviewers today. What makes a great interview? How do you approach each interview?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:37 Lesley
Bill Moyers: 

I’m not always optimistic. Sometimes I despair. But reading history helps (in fact, I strongly urge all of you to seek out and read Frank Rich’s stunning article on the cover of New York Magazine about the year 1964 — and so many of us fooled ourselves about the nature of progress. Pespective helps: I don’t think anything we are facing today, except for global warming, is more than my grandparents and my parents faced. Remember, they lived through the First Gilded Age or the Roaring Twenties that flamed out into Great Depression. World War II. The Holocaust. Sustained racism. The Korean War. Vietnam. And so on. So I take heart that if they tackled their generation’s challenges, we can, too. Furthermore, as the political scientist Gramsci said (and I may not have it exactly): Practice the pressimism of the mind — see the world as it is without rose colored glasses; but also practice the optimism of the will — do whatever you can, wherever you are, to make this a better world. We have to keep criticizing what’s wrong, but we are also oligated to act to change what it is we are criticizing.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:36 Bill Moyers
Moyers & Company: 

Please get your questions and comments in now. We appreciate all the heartfelt comments and thoughtful questions.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:35 Moyers & Company
Moyers & Company: 

Thanks to everyone for your patience. Bill is typing his response.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:34 Moyers & Company
[Comment From Lesley on BillMoyers.comLesley on ] 

How do you stay optimistic in the face of all the serious problems we are facing?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:29 Lesley on
Bill Moyers: 

P.S. Don’t quit marching because the press doesn’t notice.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:29 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

Corportate media largely ignored it — you are right. And then, three days after the March the U.S. started bombing in Syria and Iraq and stories about the March and climate change were driven from the news. Fortunately, we still have the Web to create alternative media to spread the word. So if you haven’t yet let the FCC hear from you on the importance of net neutraility, do so now. Check out for how to do it.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:28 Bill Moyers
[Comment From regina mcilvainregina mcilvain: ] 

Question: I marched on Sept. 22 with 400,000 others in the People’s Climate March (NYC). My mother marched on the first Earth Day, 1970. After that one, impressive strides were made toward cleaner air and sustainability. This time, I get the feeling that news of the march has been suppressed; beyond the choir that marched, few have even heard of it. What is your take?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:25 regina mcilvain
Moyers & Company: 

Thanks for all your comments and questions! We’ll try and get to as many as we can…

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:25 Moyers & Company
Bill Moyers: 

I am not sure. For one thing, monitor how the curriculum standards for your local schools are determined and besiege those officials being lobbied and bullied by the anti-science crowd to undermine science. Oranize to challenge them. Start a local blog. Call your local editors to account. The LATimes, for example, has ceased to print letters from climate science deniers.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:25 Bill Moyers
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 

Bill. Thank you for all of your work. You are a hero and an inspiration. As a scientist, I am concerned about the politicizing (negatively) of science, particularly environmental and climate science. How can we, as scientists, fight back on what has been deemed as “the war on science.” Thanks again!

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:21 Guest
Bill Moyers: 

Yes. One that says: “Corporations are not people. Money is not speech.”

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:21 Bill Moyers
[Comment From JimJim: ] 

Do you support a Constitutional amendment to get the money out of politics and end corporate personhood?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:20 Jim
Bill Moyers: 

Join with someone else like-minded and keep adding others. For example, suppose two of you, six of you, 60 of you showed up at the next public event where your Member of Congress is asking for your vote, circulate printed records of who has contributed money to him/her, and start peppering him/her with questions. Then be at the next rally, or if it’s where you can’t get to, use your “Committee of Correspondence” to alert the one(s) near where he or she will nex appear.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:20 Bill Moyers
[Comment From merlamerla: ] 

Some of us have been paying attention but haven’t seen any progress with our efforts. It has been frustrating. Thanks Bill for not giving up on us.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:19 merla
[Comment From Linda from FacebookLinda from Facebook: ] 

What do you think is the single most important thing everyday people can do to get the country back in balance?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:17 Linda from Facebook
Bill Moyers: 

You’re right, Joanie, they are not. And probably never will. Except in dire sraits the fate of society — especially democracy — depends upon the minority of people who care enough to engage and stay engaged. Start that conversation where you live — in your apartment complex, on your block, in your neighorhood. There is always at least one kindred spirit within reach with home to launch a conversation and even a conspiracy. Then build on those two. Launch a Committee of Correspondence and keep it. Robert LaFollette said democracy is a life, and requires constant struggle.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:17 Bill Moyers
[Comment From JoanieJoanie: ] 

How do we get people engaged in this conversation because it seems like a lot of people are not paying attention?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:14 Joanie
Bill Moyers: 

the people in charge have too great a stake in the status quo.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:14 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

wants control of the Republican Party. The Left is too content just to rent space in the attic from the Democrats. Until that changes, the Republican Party is going to be too extreme and the Democrats too enfeebled. Neither will change voluntarily because

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:13 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

The two parties are too entrenched in the rule-making process that enables them to make their own ellimination impossible. Both parties have lost their footing, however, in the everyday experience of real people and they have to be challenged without remorse or retreat. Someone has said Left and Right have lost their footing, but the Right is more certain about what it wants. It

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:12 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

Even if it were time, it’s not going to happen.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:11 Bill Moyers
[Comment From John BrockmanJohn Brockman: ] 

Is it time to do away with the 2 party system and seniority in government?

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:10 John Brockman
Bill Moyers: 

1. We have to figure out how to have a morally-based conversation about politics and economics. If it’s all about money and return on investment and stock shares and all that, instead of what kind of society works best for those who don’t have such “goods”, we’re finished as a democracy, because some people will be able to buy anything they want and vast numbers of others will be unable to afford what they need. 2. The corruption of power and money is so pervasive and systemic that we have to take it on at every level, which requires that (3) There has to be a broad-based movement for democracy that mirrors and exceeds what Bill McKibben, and kindred spirits like Naomi Klein have built to reverse global warming.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:09 Bill Moyers
Moyers & Company: 

While Bill is typing, we encourage you to send us your thoughts and questions by entering them in the submission box below.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:08 Moyers & Company
[Comment From Bob on BillMoyers.comBob on ] 

Please list the three most pressing problems our country faces today, and explain why you believe as you do.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:03 Bob on
Bill Moyers: 

t a photograph in real time to prove its me. You will just have to take my word for it, because I was told we journalists could do our work from now on in our pajamas!

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:02 Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: 

Hello, our there. I understand that I should pos

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:01 Bill Moyers
Moyers & Company: 

Hi Bill!

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:00 Moyers & Company
Moyers & Company: 

Bill is here with us, so I think we’ll get started.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:00 Moyers & Company
Moyers & Company: 

Welcome to our chat! Bill will be ready to start in a few minutes. Those of you who are on social media, our hashtag for this event is #ChatWithBill.

Thursday October 23, 2014 1:00 Moyers & Company
Moyers & Company: 

Hi all, Bill won’t be here until 1 pm, but we encourage you to enter questions below beforehand and Bill will try to get to all your questions. Thanks!

Thursday October 23, 2014 12:33 Moyers & Company

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