Morning Reads

Good morning, and happy Bacon Day!  Here are a few of the stories we’re reading at Moyers & Company HQ this AM…

Benghazi!!! –> Exhaustive reporting by the NYT’s David Fitzpatrick on what actually happened should put an end to the conspiracy theories. BUT: it hasn’t.

First-hand –> The Guardian has a fascinating first-hand account of what it’s like to work in the US drone program. ALSO: CNN reports that Afghanistan may be America’s least popular war ever.

Red states, blue states –> WaPo’s Dan Balz reports that there are an unprecedented number of states controlled by one party, and the red/blue policy divide is growing.

They do need a raise –> Jonathan Martin and Michael Shear report for the NYT that Democrats are embracing minimum wage hikes as a key issue in state and congressional races next year. ALSO: Judge upholds part of SeaTac’s $15 per hour living wage, but leaves airport workers out in the cold.

Wall Street: not all-powerful –> At TNR, Mike Konzcal argues that this year’s financial reform efforts were far more successful than anyone imagined they would be.

Bad record to break –> The Nation’s Allison Kilkenny reports that 2012 college grads have the most student debt ever.

Papers, please –> At Reason, Wes Kimball looks at the growing resistance to internal immigration checkpoints — rights-free zones miles from any international border crossing.

Next, ploughs made of crackers –> In Wisconsin — where else? — they’re using cheese to de-ice roads. Experts say provolone and mozzarella are best. Via: NYT.

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