• October 19, 2012
    Several recent studies indicates that income inequality may slow economic growth.
  • October 14, 2012
    Paul Ryan may not have a plan for reducing poverty, but advocates in his home state have devised a plan to reduce poverty over 50 percent.
  • October 10, 2012
    Check out Need to Know''s visit to a swing state at the center of the renewable energy debate.
  • October 4, 2012
    Mitt Romney twice brought up a NFIB study during the debate that claims small businesses would suffer under Obama's tax plan. Find out more about the study.
  • September 26, 2012
    She tells ThinkProgress that Romney's comments showed that he is “out of touch” and “has no idea how hard it is at the margins of our society.”
  • September 19, 2012
    The Guardian has a put together a map of the United States showing how different statistical groups are distributed by state.
  • September 14, 2012

    In this excerpt from Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer — and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class, authors Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson explain the significance of the Powell Memorandum, a call-to-arms for American corporations written by Virginia lawyer (and future U.S. Supreme Court justice) Lewis Powell to a neighbor working with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In the fall of 1972, the venerable National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) made a ...

  • September 13, 2012
    The number of people living in poverty is the highest the Census Bureau has ever recorded, but when will rhetoric give way to results?
  • September 7, 2012
    The recession continues to hurt many families across the country with record-high levels of food insecurity.
  • September 7, 2012 | Moyers & Company
    Bill discusses the power of independent thinking with Senator Bernie Sanders and Green Party candidates Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala.