United For the People

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The Issue: Campaign Reform

The Initiative: Use the United For the People website to get updates about national and local campaigns and events, and other relevant information about efforts to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

'The Story of Citizens United v. FEC' by the producers of 'The Story of Stuff'

Background: Citizens United is the 2010 Supreme Court decision that makes it legal for corporations to donate money to political action committees — so-called super PACs — without limits. (Watch the embedded video to get the whole story.) There are a number of campaigns spearheaded by national organizations and local community groups frustrated by Congress’ inaction on the issue. They are working to amend the Constitution and bring transparency to election campaigns.

One group working to amend the U.S. Constitution is Move to Amend. They have posted a guide to all the amendments that have been proposed, with a clear explanation of what each does and does not do. A coalition of groups is also planning an action they’re calling Resolutions Week later this spring. They are urging local community councils, educational institutions and state governments to pass resolutions declaring public support for an amendment that challenges corporate power and eliminates unlimited campaign spending.

Essential Links

If you're interested in learning more about amendment campaigns, visit the United for the People website and the following pages.

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